Insolvency and bankruptcy are related financial terms, but they have distinct meanings and implications
Insolvency (도산) and Bankruptcy(파산) 차이점
도산과 파산의 비슷한 용어로 혼돈되기 싶지만, 엄밀히 말하면, 절차, 조치 등의 의미가 완전 다름을 이해해야 한다.
1. 도산 (Insolvency)
정의: 도산은 개인이나 기업이 부채를 기한 내에 갚을 수 없는 재정 상태를 의미한다. 즉, 청구서를 지불할 수 없는 상태를 의미한다.
맥락: 도산은 개인과 기업 모두에 적용될 수 있다.
유형: 두 가지 주요 유형의 도산이 있다.
현금흐름 도산: 자산은 있지만 즉시 갚아야 할 부채를 지불할 충분한 현금이 없는 상태이다. 유동성 도산
대차대조표 도산: 총 부채가 총 자산을 초과하여 순자산이 마이너스가 되는 상태이다.
해결 방법: 도산은 채권자와의 협상, 부채 재조정 또는 추가 자본 조달 등을 통해 법적 절차 없이 해결될 수 있다.
Definition: Insolvency is a financial state where an individual or entity cannot meet its debt obligations as they come due. It means the person or company is unable to pay bills and other liabilities.
Context: Insolvency can refer to both individuals and companies.
Types: There are two primary types of insolvency:
Cash Flow Insolvency: When a person or company does not have enough liquid assets to pay off immediate debts, despite potentially having significant assets overall.
Balance- Sheet Insolvency: When a person or company's total liabilities exceed total assets, indicating negative net worth.
Resolution: Insolvency can sometimes be resolved through negotiation with creditors, restructuring of debts, or finding additional sources of income or capital without necessarily leading to bankruptcy.
Types of Bankruptcy Proceedings in the UK: Different countries have various types of bankruptcy proceedings, but generally: Bankruptcy (Liquidation): Meaning: Involves the liquidation of a debtor's assets to pay off debts. A trustee is appointed to manage the process, selling assets and distributing the proceeds to creditors. Who it applies to: Primarily individuals and sole traders. Outcome: After the assets are liquidated and distributed, most remaining unsecured debts are discharged, providing a fresh financial start for the debtor. Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA): Meaning: Allows businesses to reorganize and restructure their debts while continuing operations. The company proposes a repayment plan to its creditors, which must be approved by a majority of them. Who it applies to: Companies. Outcome: The business can continue operating under the terms of the CVA, and debts are restructured according to the agreed plan. Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA): Meaning: Allows individuals to repay their debts over a specified period, usually five years. The debtor proposes a repayment plan to their creditors, which must be approved by a majority of them. Who it applies to: Individuals with regular income. Outcome: Debtors repay their debts over a specified period, typically keeping their assets, and remaining eligible debts are discharged at the end of the repayment plan. Resolution: Bankruptcy and related insolvency proceedings usually lead to either the discharge of debts or the establishment of a repayment plan. These processes provide a legal framework for debt resolution but can have long-term impacts on credit and financial standing.
2. 파산 (Bankruptcy)
정의: 파산은 부채를 상환할 수 없는 개인이나 기업이 법적 구제를 받기 위해 신청하는 공식 절차이다. 이는 도산을 법적으로 선언하는 것이다.
맥락: 파산은 법원이 관여하는 특정 법적 지위이다.
유형: 한국에서는 개인회생, 법인회생, 파산 등이 있다.
개인파산: 개인이 자산을 청산하여 부채를 상환하는 절차이다.
법인회생: 기업이 운영을 계속하면서 부채를 재조정하는 절차이다.
파산: 모든 자산을 청산하여 채권자에게 분배하는 절차이다.
해결 방법: 파산은 일반적으로 부채 면제 또는 상환 계획 수립으로 이어진다. 이는 신용과 재정 상태에 장기적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
Definition: Bankruptcy is a legal process through which individuals or businesses who cannot repay their debts seek relief from some or all of their obligations. It is a formal declaration of insolvency.
Context: Bankruptcy is a specific legal status granted by a court, involving legal proceedings.
Types of Bankruptcy Proceedings in the UK:
Different countries have various types of bankruptcy proceedings, but generally:
Bankruptcy (Liquidation):
Meaning: Involves the liquidation of a debtor's assets to pay off debts. A trustee is appointed to manage the process, selling assets and distributing the proceeds to creditors.
Who it applies to: Primarily individuals and sole traders.
Outcome: After the assets are liquidated and distributed, most remaining unsecured debts are discharged, providing a fresh financial start for the debtor.
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3. 도산과 파산의 주요 차이점
범위: 도산은 재정 상태를 의미하며, 파산은 법적 지위를 의미한다.
과정: 도산은 반드시 법적 절차를 필요로 하지 않지만, 파산은 공식적인 법적 절차를 수반한다.
결과: 도산은 법적 개입 없이 해결될 수 있지만, 파산은 법원의 명령과 절차를 통해 해결된다.
도산은 파산으로 이어질 수 있는 더 넓은 재정적 곤경 상태를 의미하며, 파산은 법적 절차를 통해 도산을 해결하는 것을 의미한다.
Key Differences
Scope: Insolvency is a financial condition, while bankruptcy is a legal status.
Process: Insolvency does not necessarily lead to court proceedings, whereas bankruptcy is a formal legal process.
Outcome: Insolvency might be resolved without legal intervention, but bankruptcy involves court orders and legal proceedings to address the financial distress.
Insolvency is the broader financial distress situation that may lead to bankruptcy if not resolved. Bankruptcy is a specific legal procedure aimed at resolving insolvency through the court system.
한국 비즈니스 예시
예를 들어, 서울에 있는 한 소규모 레스토랑이 코로나19 팬데믹 동안 고객 감소와 운영 비용 증가로 인해 도산 상태에 빠졌다고 가정해 보면, 이 경우, 레스토랑은 채권자와 협상하여 부채를 재조정하거나 추가 자금을 찾으려고 할 수 있다. 하지만 이러한 노력에도 불구하고 부채를 갚지 못하면 법원에 파산 신청을 하게 된다. 파산 절차를 통해 레스토랑은 자산을 청산하고 채권자에게 분배하여 법적 문제를 해결한다.
이와 같이 도산과 파산은 서로 다른 의미와 절차를 가지고 있으며, 이를 구분하는 것이 중요하다.
Learning about Insolvency and Bankruptcy in ACCA
The ACCA syllabus covers various aspects of insolvency and bankruptcy, particularly in the following papers:
Corporate and Business Law (LW)
Content: This paper covers the legal framework for business, including laws related to insolvency and bankruptcy. It explains the processes and implications of insolvency for businesses and individuals.
Learning Outcome: Students learn about the rights of creditors, the duties of directors in insolvency situations, and the different types of insolvency procedures.
Financial Reporting (FR)
Content: While this paper primarily focuses on financial reporting standards, it also touches on accounting for companies in financial distress and the implications of insolvency on financial statements.
Learning Outcome: Understanding how to report financial information in cases of insolvency and the disclosure requirements.
Strategic Business Leader (SBL)
Content: This paper involves strategic decision-making, including crisis management and turnaround strategies for companies facing insolvency.
Learning Outcome: Developing strategies to manage and prevent insolvency, including restructuring and turnaround plans.
Advanced Financial Management (AFM)
Content: This paper deals with advanced financial management techniques, including risk management, corporate restructuring, and insolvency processes.
Learning Outcome: Applying financial management strategies to prevent insolvency and manage bankruptcy proceedings.
Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)
Content: This paper includes auditing procedures and issues related to companies in financial distress.
Learning Outcome: Understanding the auditor’s role in identifying and reporting going concern issues and insolvency risks.
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